110mm Clear Contact Juggling Ball; Fingers holding the ball; Inverted panorama of lake in reflection of ball Clear Acrylic Contact Ball on white background All sizes of Clear Contact Juggling Balls in hands
Total price £135.87

Product Description

Through popular demand and lots of requests, we have produced the Juggle Dream 110mm Acrylic Contact ball. Versatile and visually stunning, with a weight that is fantastic for body rolling.

When new to contact be sure to warm up before playing as extended periods of playing can be tiring on the hands, wrists and arms.

Acrylics are very difficult to break, but they can break things. Be aware when playing. Scratches from rough surfaces can happen but are easily fixed with scratch removers.

Weight : 875grams

Warning! – These balls are lenses and will set fires, keep them covered!

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