Flowtoys Flowmass
Total price £163.91

Product Description

Flowlights give flowtoys a good heft, but if you like a heavy feel to your tools, you can add flowmass to the ends of your flowtoys -where they count- to give them more momentum. The mass can be installed onto crystal cases, all flowpoi, staffs and other tubing based flowtoys. If installing onto tubes, apply a tiny bit of vaseline/ petroleum jelly/ chapstick to the insides of the mass BEFORE installing on tube. If installing onto crystal case, do NOT apply any lubricant otherwise the mass may fly off while spinning. FlowMass units will not fit on individual flowlights - they must be applied to the modular cases. Price is for one flowmass.

Warranty & Upgrades
All flowtoys-manufactured products are covered under Flowtoys forever flow™ lifetime warranty and/or replacement and upgrade policy.
Please contact us to find out more.

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