Record + Aloha

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Total price £139.96

Product Description

The demands on modern kendamas have increased enormously - the Record Plus design exceeds all expectations:

The European Kendama pioneers have perfected the volume and weight distribution and thus ensure a balanced Ken Balance.

At first glance, the wide outline and the voluminous Sarado catch the eye with very large baskets, which provide a lot of control when catching as well as central stability and ease of turning when doing flip tricks.

The small plate has a wider rim than the large one - a big plus in terms of balance. This keeps the ken balanced in all situations and guarantees very good bird and stall control.

The coherent overall concept including the new Base Cup bore makes the Record Plus a high-performance kendama. Cup and stall tricks are just as easy to do as liquid string combos and complex juggles.

Due to the incredibly good overall balance, smooth slingers can still be played despite the outstanding lunar balance.

The cord is long enough for juggling right out of the box and a high-speed ball bearing allows for endless flow combos.


Kendama Europe has once again used its many years of experience as a Kendama pioneer and shaper with the innovative Record Plus Shape and sets new standards in the balance game.



The Plus Shape is slightly larger than conventional Kendamas and thus provides even more control in the hand.


The shapers have outdone themselves with the Saradoform. The center volume combines unbelievable maneuverability with maximum flight stability and sets new standards in the Kendama world.


The cup size surpasses anything seen before and simplifies all types of catches - regardless of whether it's a cup game, lunars or stalls. Once you've tried it, you'll never want to do without the big plates again.

Base cup hole:

The recess ensures a lighter base cup and shifts the overall weight even more into the center. This leads to a perfect lunar balance.

Overall shape:

The ideal kendama for advanced and pro players with high-performance ambitions. It meets all the requirements of the Kendama game at the highest skill level.


The ball is a tick larger than traditional kendamas, as is the hole size and entry angle. Spiking has never been so e