Oddballs Static Stilts Close-up of Oddballs Stilts detail Close-up of Oddballs Stilts detail Close-up of Oddballs Stilts detail Oddballs Stilts Packaging Close-up of Oddballs Stilts detail Close-up of Oddballs Stilts detail Close-up of Oddballs Stilts detail Close-up of Oddballs Stilts detail Close-up of Oddballs Stilts detail
Total price £306.95

Product Description

The Oddballs Static Stilts are very similar to the Durastilt. (In fact we have been selling the Durastilts for over 25 years - sadly to say, there's a clip of a member of our staff bouncing 7 balls off them, filmed more than 20 years ago, on our homepage). However, the patent for the Durastilts has run out, meaning that we're able to get this stilt produced for us at a fraction of the price. Very stable, you can literally stand on them for hours. You can even play football in them. Theses stilts adjust from 22-44 inches. If you're looking for stilts so finitely-designed that they almost serve as leg extensions, than these stilts are your product!

Maximum weight 105kgs

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